30 March 2008

More Moctezuma!

Come to see moctezuma! Awesome new developments!
Doesn't it get boring have sex with the same person over and over? I just want to have some fun. I prefer to write this blog but my girlfriend comes in and wants sex. Now I have to stop what i'm doing and make love to her. Well, gotta go!

25 March 2008

Who is beneath the blindfold?

Is this a photo of Emme Hor? She says it is not. (FYI the original was censored, this is a substitute photo taken from busty japan not the original of emme or her impostor in a red blindfold sucking on a massive black cock)

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Things are going pretty well now. Emme Hor published some new work on cerebral catalyst. She's the sexiest writer out. So check her out.

19 March 2008

Bigger Than Yours

New story, slightly fictionalized, but more of a memoir, is coming out at ninjahobo.com -- a great site.

This one is about answering the telephone and talking to my new slut's husband. Picture this. It's called "Damn, Right, it's bigger than yours!"


13 March 2008

I'm Quiet in Bed

New poem up at Cerebral Catalyst. Click here (link is removed as CC is defunct -- please find poem's remix below). Also, check out litchaos.com (also on temporary hiatus) after where a bunch of us have made a collaborative project. It should come out by 15 March 2008

Quiet in Bed

There she is on the bed
 legs spread wide yelling, 
"you're the best!" 
all I want to do is tell her 
I'm thinking about the tits
hanging halfway out
the bar hottie's flowing dress
and i'm imagining her
cocksucking lips wrapped
around my cock instead
of her cunt. 

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